UNL Regional Climate Modeling Facility

Download a subset of selected WRF output parameters from a specified model domain.
Geographic subsets (even a single point) and time periods can be selected.

* indicates required selection.
*Periodicity: daily    monthly
Select time period If no time period is chosen, entire period of record will be used.
Start date:
End date:
Select region If left blank, the entire selected domain is included.
Corners Latitude Longitude OR Location
Upper right:   Latitude Longitude
Lower left:  

Choose the variable(s) to include in the file(s) created.

WRF name is the variable name that will be included in the output file.

  Surface Parameter WRF name
Temperature (K)[T2]
Precipitation (mm)[PRCP]
Mean Sea-Level Pressure (hPa)[PMSL]
Minimum Temperature (K)[T2_MIN]
Maximum Temperature (K)[T2_MAX]
Mixing Ratio (g kg-1)[Q2]
Surface Pressure (hPa)[PSFC]
Snow Water Equivalent [SWE] (kg m-2)[SNOW]
U-component (m s-1)[U10]
V-component (m s-1)[V10]